Thursday, 28 May 2015

A new improvement

How many different weight-loss plans have I been on now? Golly me... so many. So many failed attempts and here I am sitting right back where I started more than 4 years ago. When I saw that number on the scales 10 days ago, I knew I had to do something. But what? What is out there that I haven't done? What miracle cure will finally be the one that gives me my bikini body?

When I looked in the mirror, the answer was staring me in the face.


I'm the miracle cure that gives me my bikini body.

So I thought about how I want to do it, and came up with a bit of a list:

-Eat real food, without restricting food groups or types of food
-Exercise for enjoyment and health, not punishment
-Be accountable to someone I don't know, who is a real person that I have to look in the eye

The first time I lost weight, I did it for a work Biggest Loser competition. Each week, we weighed in with a guy from the HR department who was sworn to secrecy. That was a huge motivator because I did NOT want to step on the scales in front of him and have him know that I had put on weight. I need that pressure again.

The next few times I have done online programs where everything is spelled out for me, and I weigh in online, chat to others online, and pretend to stick to the program. It clearly hasn't worked for me.

It's back to the face-to-face contact that I know I thrive on. 10 days, two meetings, a successful weigh in and a positive attitude later... I'm doing okay. Hello Weight Watchers!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

What's new? I'm 32!

Hello world. It's the new me. How many new me's have there been? Too many to count.

Today is my birthday. I'm 32. Half a lifetime ago, 32 sounded OLD. I figured I would be married with a house and a couple of kids. I'm halfway there - we've done the marriage thing, we're halfway to a deposit and we're trying for kids. I still feel a little unaccomplished, but with time I'm realising that my life is what I make it. Things have happened in the order and the timing that they have because that is the way they are meant to be.

There's no use wishing the time away until my life is perfect because let's face it - perfect doesn't exist! I am working on so many parts of myself that sometimes it's all too hard and I just give up for a day or a week or a month... and that's okay.

Every day is a fresh beginning. Today was a good day, and tomorrow will be too!