Thursday, 24 July 2014

Musings of a trolley pusher

My new job is amazingly wonderful. I truly love it. Getting out into the sunshine, chatting to locals, using my body for what it was designed for... I love it! There are some things I've noticed during my week of pushing trolleys, so I thought I'd compile a list here:

# People do not look where they are walking. They're either checking their phone, ogling the wares of the shops, or simply staring at the floor. Anywhere but straight ahead, where I am stopped with my row of trolleys, having given up trying to work out which way they're going to veer next.

# I leave a gap of approx 1 metre on one side of me - generally looking ahead at the traffic in the shopping centre, I see my line of travel and stick to one side of the causeway, avoiding most people or going with the flow of traffic. People will ALWAYS try to squeeze by on the other side, where I'm destined to hit them or squish them between a wall and my trolleys.

# Coin locks are a pain. Coin locks that work differently for different stores are a nightmare for trolley pushers who generally only have the 'magic key' for one type of trolley yet still have to try to sort out the mess that is the trolley bay in the carpark.

# With trolleys, the slower you go, the easier they are to control. It still doesn't mean they're easy, or that I can swerve out of someone's way who decides they want to cut in front of me. I haven't hit anyone (or anything!) yet, but there have been some close calls.

# Yes, I am a girl. Yes, I am pushing trolleys. No, the boys aren't lazy. No, they're not too heavy. Yes, I chose this job. Yes, I'll still be here in a few weeks because I'm not giving up.

# Some people simply cannot smile, or be polite. I continue to smile and be polite because that's just who I am.

There will always be people who believe that my job is beneath me, beneath them, and suitable only for the scum of the earth. This job means more to me than you know...

This job means that someone is paying me to lose weight. My gym membership is useless as I get a full body cardio and strength workout daily. I've lost more weight than I thought I would in only my first week, and I can feel myself getting stronger. That's just the beginning.

I can finally see light in my life. You never know how much you hate something until you don't have to do it any more - and I REALLY hated my old job. I adore getting out into the sunshine - and I'm pretty sure I am affected by SAD (lack of sunlight in winter makes you more depressed and/or anxious) so being out all day is amazing. Although I'm exhausted and everything hurts I still find myself with a smile on my face much more often than not. My husband is now considering his options with his own work - thinking about making a change for himself towards making things different for him as well. I love that we inspire each other, and allow each other to explore options that might go either way. He's allowed me the time I needed to refresh, and now it's his turn!

I have goals again. Things I want to achieve both at work and at home. I no longer feel like I'm stuck on the treadmill of life and have to suck it up until it gets better.

I did that.

I made it better.

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