I'm sorry... I'm getting terrible at keeping up!
My last post began with a dream, settled on some insecurities, and ended with crushing defeat. And that's how my life has been this past month.
I quit my job. It was a highly emotional, thoroughly exhausted, slightly teary farewell. My body simply was not coping with the demands I was placing on it daily - my osteo even mentioned that my muscles felt fatigued and I needed to slow down. I was choosing all the wrong foods, barely making it through the day, collapsing onto the couch of a night-time. My intimate life with my husband suffered. I was cranky, and not wanting to take it out on him, became silent. One morning, I said that I didn't want to go... and he gave me permission to resign. I didn't need his permission, but just having him say 'We can't live like this, you don't need to keep going, you're not happy'... well, that was a breath of fresh air. It was hard to admit that I couldn't do it, but satisfying when my manager acknowledged the pressure he had placed on me, and admitted that they hadn't gone about it in the right way from the beginning.
I'm on the hunt for a new job.... and guess what?
We're moving to the other side of the city! My family and friends are all on the other side of town and I'm going over for cali once a week and usually am over once or twice a week for something else. It's at least an hour one way, sometimes up to 2 hours depending on traffic and I'm simply over it! My husband's family has had some trials lately and he decided he doesn't need to be near them as much as I need to be near my family. He's always asking when we're catching up with different groups of friends and it's a challenge when we live so far away. We're planning on expanding our family soon, and friends have commented that everyone is too far away to be of much help with a new baby and all that comes with it. And finally, with me resigning and my husband seriously looking for a new job as well, it's the perfect time to have a complete change. So we're house hunting at the moment (not fun as it'll be rentals for 12 months while we get ourselves organised with new jobs and finish saving our deposit for our own home)
I'm a huge ball of emotion right now, and the fitness stuff has truly gone on the backburner. Every muscle and joint has ached this week - a combination of stopping the insane work, and the whole 'letting go' of everything. I'm a sorry sore mess at the moment. I did manage a couple of walks this week, but it's nothing to rave about.
Can you tell my food plan went out the window? It truly did. I haven't weighed in this week so I don't know what impact the whole thing has had on my weight, but I know it's not been pretty. I've been giving in to whims, but surprisingly have not binged as much as I have in the past. That niggling voice in the back of my head speaks up and makes me think about whether I need to finish the packet of *insert fatty, sugary, carb-laden treat here* and most times I do not. I'm eating way more than I should - but nowhere near as much as I used to. Maybe I am changing slowly...
I'm determined to get some sort of order in this blog this month. I've got a few ideas for some focused posts and also want to have 3 regular posts each week. Stay tuned!
Good luck with your plans it sounds like it has been a rough couple of months for you and now I hope you can move forward and be a lot happier. Best of luck.