Thursday, 16 January 2014

I'm melting.... MELTING!!

Seriously... it's ridiculously hot here. 10pm and 29 degrees celsius. I think it got somewhere near 43 today. That's insane! Work has been pretty good aircon wise, with it staying under 30 degrees in the office all day. That's pretty good, considering the size of the building and the number of people. Our building is nicknamed 'The G' as it's the same floor space as the MCG cricket ground (just the grass, not the complex!) and houses 400 staff, a manufacturing lab, training centre, customer service, EVERYTHING you could imagine for the complete running of a business, on a massive scale.

At home, it's a different story... One pissy little aircon unit for a 3 bedroom house. It has been working overtime recently! With the last 3 days over 40 degrees and a predicted 44 tomorrow... I'm glad it's attempting to cool our house down. With a system of fans down the hallway and into the bedrooms we seem to have pushed SOME cool air through the house, but it's still uncomfortable :(

3 nights of not sleeping and I'm looking a bit....

... when the alarm goes off of a morning. Minus the bedcovers because who does that when it's over 30 degrees in your bedroom??

On the upside, in just 4 sleeps, we'll be on the other side of the world, throwing snow at each other and complaining about how freezing it is and why can't we have some sun and where is the extra doona and why didn't I pack fourteen jumpers?? I can't wait!!!!!!!

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