Tuesday, 11 March 2014

A much more positive day today.

This is what I thought when I woke up this morning. I've been dwelling WAYYY too much on the negatives in my life and forgetting about the positives - and realising that when I'm in a shit mood, I feel like shit, I eat like shit, and I sit around like a piece of shit.

Now that all the shit is out of the way, let's get to the rainbows and butterflies! Well, the positive thoughts...

My mantra this morning 'Today will be a good day. I will eat well, I will exercise well.' I had a heart to heart with my friend on the weekend - a friend who understands exactly what I'm thinking as she's in my shoes. She, however, is in a much more motivated headspace. She's eating well, she's exercising. We usually talk each other into eating horribly, and she made me feel like I shouldn't all weekend.

Last night, she emailed me and asked how I went. I told her the truth - the many slips during the day, the bad decisions, the guilt. Then she replied 'You know you can talk to me during the day if you need to..' Why did I not think of that? Why did I not pick up the phone, or send a text, or an email, and ask her to talk me out of it? Sometimes you need whatever is staring you in the face to whack you over the head to remind you it's right there.

Today was a good day. I'm under calories, I'm hydrated, I exercised in all my breaks as I knew I wouldn't have time after work due to cali - and I'm only 2000 steps away from my 10k daily goal. Remember those habits I said I was going to make every day? That's all of them, ticked off, right there. It wasn't hard - it wasn't easy, but it wasn't hard. I just thought of the big picture every time I wanted to do the wrong thing. And I just need to keep doing that until it's second nature. I've got about 50 years to practice!!

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