Wednesday, 26 March 2014

I had an oops... so what did I do?

Yesterday was a horrible day. I caved in to the treats offered at a work seminar, then got stuck in traffic for 2 hours which meant I couldn't do my planned workout before teaching a class, and decided that 2 strawberry jam donuts were the answer to my problems. I immediately felt a wave of guilt and shame after I was finished with the donuts.

Then I stepped back. Guilt and shame are not feelings I want to associate with food.

I had done it. I couldn't undo it. How could I turn it around?

I came home, and did my workout. I got all my food together for today, had a shower, and went to bed. I woke up determined to succeed this morning, and boy did I succeed! I've stuck to the meal plan all day. I smashed my workout this afternoon. I even prepped a couple of meals for the weekend.

I didn't flog myself for my oops. I'm disappointed in myself, but I know that one day won't ruin this for me. It's much more important to focus on the good days, on making more good days than not-so-good days, and picking myself up when I fall down.

I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed those donuts while I was eating them. I didn't enjoy the sickly feeling afterwards from the excessive indulgence, or the feelings and thoughts in my head afterwards.

Onwards and upwards!

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