Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Apparently I'm 'Funemployed!'

One of my friends keeps asking how funemployment is going... and to be honest, I'm not even sure! Funemployment is meant to last roughly 6 weeks - funnily enough that's about how long my money will last, so it looks like regular unemployment will be horrifyingly cheap, and rather painful. I really hope it doesn't come to that.

So what have I done in my funemployment so far? Spent the day with my co-coach making up pirate dances for the kids we teach (that went down A TREAT at class that night... they loved it!), spent another day sequinning lace for our costumes (28 pieces to do, at roughly 2 hours each piece.... I'm lucky I'm funemployed!), and went for a 20km walk today (turns out the shopping centre is quite further away than I thought).  Oh, and a couple of phone calls and emails to line up interviews for the coming days so that I only ever experience funemployment and never get to the dreaded unemployment phase.

Things are looking up.

Tomorrow's tasks include cleaning out the spare room, filling photo frames with wedding/honeymoon snapshots and sequinning yet another few pieces of lace. Also catching up with a friend for lunch. Let's face it, by the time I get up, tend to my Farmville, and hit the gym, it'll be time to head off for lunch - lunch will take a while, then I'll come home and organise dinner.... so spare room and photos will wait for another day!

I must tackle some sort of food plan shortly as well - I have the exercise covered, but my choices of late are not desirable when it comes to food. I'll get there!

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