This is me. Today. Determined to have a successful day. I woke up a little later than I thought - but that's what happens when you hit snooze a couple of times, isn't it? I thought to myself "I'm going to have a good day today. I'm going to exercise. I'm going to eat well." I played around on the Internet for a while, and then I laced up my shoes... and I went for a walk.
Coming home with the ingredients for lunch, I scanned it all into MFP, and found that it was ridiculously over my calorie allowance for the day. I was looking forward to a delicious red curry chicken with rice. At nearly 900 calories, it was just way too much! So sad... what's a girl to do? Split it into 2, steam some vegies, and get on with it. While the vegies were steaming in the microwave, I divided the rice and curry into two bowls, and amended MFP. Now the meal was going to be 450 calories, which meant no snacks. Another rejig, and I made 3 bowls of rice and curry, the vegies were steamed (broccoli, cauliflower and carrot), for just over 300 calories each.
This meant that today I also had a small brownie, a protein shake, and some ham and cheese for snacks, and I've got enough calories left for my sensible dinner. I'm 'in the green' on MFP, I've got my 10,000 steps for the day. I also managed to swing past the gym on my walk - I haven't been to the gym in at least a month (I've done some walking and biking, but nothing at the gym) so I was surprised that the layout has changed and there were new trainers. I worked on my arms, back and chest for about half an hour.
I also got a couple of rejection emails (boo) and an interview for next week (yay) so there is progress on the jobs front.
It's been a good day. I might even say, it's been a GREAT day. Now to do it all again tomorrow. It wasn't too hard.... after all I have my rice and curry to look forward to!
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