Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Just a small bite, not a huge chunk!

I was asked today how I feel about the program I signed up for, over at Operation Move. My reply was that I love not having access to the entire 10 week's worth of program - because I can't look ahead and freak myself out about how I can't do that yet. I'm loving the OpMove program - it's low key, I don't have to do too much to follow the program, just follow the instructions in the weekly email and check in on the Facebook group page if I feel like it. I do feel like it. I like that it's a small group and that we interact daily.

My food intake has been horrendous this last week (let's be honest.... this last month!) and I've put on weight rather than lost it. I've eaten many things that I haven't eaten for a while - some I've loved just as much as I remembered, and others I've thrown out before finishing as they taste gross or don't make me feel like they used to. I've spent more time in the toilet than I should, and a lot of time with stomach pain from eating all the wrong things.

Next week is a big week. I have the final (big, most important, super fun!) competition for the kids I teach. I'm excited and nervous, they're excited and nervous. It's going to be a blast, but tiring and a super long day. The next morning I get the keys to our new place, which is exciting in it's own right, but frustrating because the new place is 50km from this place so any trip over there will involve filling the car with some of our crap and driving a lot. We're getting the moving trucks and big strong men to help on Thursday so I'm hoping most of the move will be done in one go, with minimal trips back and forth with carloads of crap.

I'm packing this week - and while we don't have as much crap as we used to have (another couple of trips to the opshop), we still have too much crap that I'm not yet prepared to get rid of. I'll probably end up putting a heap of stuff on the local buy swap sell Facebook page after the move as some of those unwanted presents we got for our engagement and wedding cannot be saved to regift if we have nowhere to store them.

Anyway, back to the point of this post - biting off small chunks. I've researched Home Manuals and really want to make a small one for our new home, mainly a food plan and cleaning schedule, and possibly a budget. I'm so disorganised and just leave everything instead of planning and executing that plan effectively. Once the plan is set out, I only have to do small chunks each day instead of looking at a whole week's/month's/year's worth of cooking and cleaning and just giving up.

So until then... I'm taking it one day at a time. Food is going to consist of whatever is in the fridge, freezer and pantry - because I don't want to waste things I've cooked or bought when we move if they spoil in transit. My exercise is planned out (run/jog on certain days and a walk on the other days), and the next two days are devoted solely to packing up the rest of the house and getting everything ready for the move. I just need to remember to leave out anything I'll need for the comp and for the last few days before we go.

Small chunks.

Any tips for me?

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