Thursday, 30 October 2014

Rocktober is over... onto NOvember!

Today is the last day of Rocktober, and it's fairly safe to say I didn't Rock in October.

I'm not calling it a failure, but it certainly wasn't a success. Here's what went right in Rocktober:

-Operation Move has been amazing. I'm really enjoying the program and although the runs aren't a breeze, it's more enjoyable than previous attempts at running. I made a point of making sure that the running was about enjoying the run, making time for myself, and just going with it. Previous attempts have focused on calories burned, times, splits, pace.... DROVE ME NUTS. I hated the times when my pace dropped, when it got too hard and I had to slow down, and that made me give up. Now I'm just running to say that I can. To enjoy the feeling of pushing myself, or not pushing myself. Just listening to the music (thank you Pandora), waiting for the beep and the lady who tells me what's up next. It's easy. I'm also enjoying not being on a treadmill. I don't really like the treadmill because I'm not that steady on pace so can never find the comfortable running speed. The footpath doesn't move, so there goes that problem.

-Operation House-Unpack is going well. Mostly everything is done, we just need to do a little rearranging in the lounge room which we should get to tonight, and then attack the spare room. We have too much stuff (and I thought I culled when we moved!!) but I'm working on it. The house is looking much more lived in, much more homely. I still get lost going to the toilet sometimes, but that's because I'm a numpty...

-Operation Drink-More-Water is gathering momentum. I got some fancy new Tupperware bottles and keep the fridge well stocked so am making an effort to drink water instead of soft drink and am regularly getting over a litre a day. I need to make that 2.5-3 litres, but hey, who's perfect?

That's about all that's gone right.

My lack of a job has put a halt on all of the other things I want to do. No money means no starting the new food program I want to start. Needing to buy a month's worth at a time means that we'd need to have a little more spare than we have (or dip into savings) so that's on hold until I get paid work.

I had an interview yesterday that I felt went well, but today got the call that I was unsuccessful. It was only a part-time position, but I'll take anything I can get at the moment. I do have another interview for a different full-time position on Wednesday next week so hoping that one goes better and I get a job out of it. I just want to work.

We also applied for government assistance and were knocked back. It's a real shame that my husband is employed in a minimum wage job and we actually have some savings... because we don't qualify for any payments. After working for 12 years and paying tax, being unemployed twice in that time and never claiming anything... I feel kinda jibbed. While I'm glad that we're considered 'well off' in the eyes of the government, it doesn't really help with the day-to-day living costs. It sucks for my husband too as we have to cut down on all unnecessary spending so he misses out. The guy at Centrelink told me I'd be better to have a baby ASAP and then we'd qualify for a range of assistance. No worries Champ. I'll get onto that.

So... what's next? NOvember. I'll be saying No a lot. Mainly to unnecessary spending, but also to junk food, laziness, unhappiness and soul-suckers. I've downloaded an image for a 30 day blog challenge which I plan to complete for the month, and I'll also weigh myself on the 1st and then not weigh again until the 30th. This will be hard (and is one of the No's for the month) as I'm a daily weigher!!

See you tomorrow...

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