Sunday, 28 December 2014

And on the third day...

Day 3, and the journey is getting easier. I slept in again (thank you holidays!) so didn't have too long between meals today. Lunch was a very-well-thought-out meal of salmon and veg, which went down so much better than the burger or the creamy pasta. Veggies definitely need to be had in the midday meal.

I've also experienced the effects of the IsaFlush tablets today - which were quite unsettling as I didn't expect dirty water to be coming out of me and prompted a quick post on the group's Facebook page just to check that my insides weren't coming out. It turns out this is quite normal (as is being completely blocked up, depending on how your body does it's detox thing) and will settle in a few days. I have been advised to take the tablets only once a day, instead of twice a day, until it stops. Also to note that there is no pain, and there shouldn't be. Good to know.

I know I shouldn't have... but I weighed myself this morning. After feeling like complete crap overnight, I wanted to know if this was working, if it was worth continuing. I'll just say that it is, and leave the results until after Day 11 like I'm meant to. I'm swinging wildly between 'I-need-to-do-this-and-don't-care-what-it-takes' and 'I-don't-care-anymore-I-just-want-a-Pepsi-Max-and-a-block-of-Dairy-Milk'. I'm sure the next two days of cleansing will break me, but I'm determined to get my money's worth!

Realistically, I need to do this for another 50kgs, so there is no going back now. I'm apparently through the hard days now and just need to keep up the momentum. I seriously do not want to start again and have headaches and stupid cravings so there is no way I'm stopping. I also need to stop giving in to my inner child and having all the things... this is how I've gotten to be 60kgs overweight, so a few months of 'missing out' is surely well-deserved.

Further updates tomorrow. Yay for cleansing! (I hope)

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