Sunday, 14 December 2014

The times they are a-changing

I've come to the realisation these past two days - I have lived a life of indulgence, and this is why I am where I am today. I always give in to temptations, say yes more than I say no, and am over the top more often than not.

These past two days, I have attended two BBQ-type functions with nibbles galore. Sitting around the table at both events, I decided I would make a conscious effort not to eat whatever I wanted, but to watch what other people eat, sample some things, and try not to overeat.

This has made me realise that at an event like this in the past, I would seriously overeat. Ridiculously. Interestingly though, both yesterday and today, I don't feel like I missed out. I ate things that I wanted to eat, I held back from being a piggy... and I feel good about it.

I ordered my first 30 days' worth of my new program, and was keen to start before the New Year began. I sought advice from other people using the program, and given the fact of the silly season coming up and the next 10 days being filled with occasions to celebrate, I have taken their advice not to begin until the New Year. There are just too many excuses, too many reasons for it not to work. They're afraid I'll not experience the results that are traditionally experienced in the first 30 days, get disheartened, and give up.

The advice though, was to get a start on some other healthy aspects of the regime - drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and reducing my intake of certain foods (sugar, stimulants).  I'm excited!

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