I have some lofty goals for the year 2015, but there is still a bit of time left in 2014 - just over 30 days in fact! What are my goals for the rest of the year?
1. Weigh in on Dec 1 - and then not weigh again until Jan 1.
2. Write daily in my Reflection Journal, and my Food and Exercise Diary.
3. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day.
4. Walk regularly in the mornings, as well as regularly attending the gym of an evening. Run. Make plans on Sundays and follow through for the week.
5. Make food plans weekly and stick to them, allowing for 1-2 meals a week that are less healthy.
6. By Dec 31st, I WILL RUN THE LOOP OF DANDELION DRIVE. 5km, rolling hills. I don't care how long it takes to run it, I will do it without stopping.
I've really enjoyed this challenge - some days I haven't had much to say, and I'm looking forward to not having to post every day, but I do appreciate the prompting, and the ritual of writing SOMETHING each day. This has wheels turning in my mind, and that's something that I want to work on for 2015.
What do you want to hear from me next year?
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Friday, 28 November 2014
Day 29: List 10 people, dead or alive, that you would invite to dinner. Include the menu.
I would invite:
Michael Jackson
Mohamed Ali
Elli (who wrote the Holocaust account)
Diana Gabaldon (who writes the books in my favourite series)
Mia Michaels (from SYTYCD USA)
My Gran
My husband
My two besties, Jac and Stacey
The first six inspire me to be a better person. My Gran is just an amazing woman who has done extraordinary things with an ordinary life. The final three I wouldn't want to have this experience without.
The menu:
Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup
Spaghetti Bolognaise with Garlic Bread
Cinnamon Scrolls with Maple Frosting Glaze
My favourite foods. I don't care that they don't go together!
Michael Jackson
Mohamed Ali
Elli (who wrote the Holocaust account)
Diana Gabaldon (who writes the books in my favourite series)
Mia Michaels (from SYTYCD USA)
My Gran
My husband
My two besties, Jac and Stacey
The first six inspire me to be a better person. My Gran is just an amazing woman who has done extraordinary things with an ordinary life. The final three I wouldn't want to have this experience without.
The menu:
Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup
Spaghetti Bolognaise with Garlic Bread
Cinnamon Scrolls with Maple Frosting Glaze
My favourite foods. I don't care that they don't go together!
Day 28: Something that you miss
I miss being a kid, where the biggest worry I had was picking whether to have vegemite and cheese or ham and cheese on my sandwich.
I miss being a kid, where I didn't have to cook and clean and wash clothes and think of what to do on the weekend.
I miss being a kid, where Mum was always there to remind me what I needed to remember.
I miss being a kid, where you went to school every day and did whatever you were told.
I miss being a kid, where I ran around like a loony and people didn't stare.
I miss being a kid, where responsibility meant feeding the fish on a Tuesday and a Friday (those were my days!)
I miss being a kid, where anything was possible and I believed in everything.
I miss being a kid.
I miss being a kid, where I didn't have to cook and clean and wash clothes and think of what to do on the weekend.
I miss being a kid, where Mum was always there to remind me what I needed to remember.
I miss being a kid, where you went to school every day and did whatever you were told.
I miss being a kid, where I ran around like a loony and people didn't stare.
I miss being a kid, where responsibility meant feeding the fish on a Tuesday and a Friday (those were my days!)
I miss being a kid, where anything was possible and I believed in everything.
I miss being a kid.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Day 27: A problem you have or have had in the past
Oh man.... so many problems to pick from....
I have this habit of peeling the skin off my foot. Not both feet, just one foot - old righty. I'm not sure why I picked this one, but it's happened. I used to peel until it bled, but that just hurts so now I just get the bits that are hanging off. The heel and all the way up the outside of the foot, almost to the little toe.
Writing this makes it sound bloody gross!
Peeling skin has been a fascination of mine since I was little. Mum used to sit us down of a night time in summer and peel our shoulders after a big sunburn. The way it feels when the skin is coming off - there's a little tickle with a tiny bit of discomfort - it just makes me feel safe and at home.
It's a problem though. I was having some issues with my legs in my old job (trolley pusher, 9 hours of walking each day was exhausting and took it's toll on my body) so was visiting the osteo a fair bit. He was pretty concerned with the state of my foot and seemed reluctant to work on it. Up until that point it had been a secret. No-one knew I did it and it didn't concern anyone.
Once he discovered it though, I began to be self-conscious about it.
I have asked my husband to call me out on it if he sees me picking. I'm making a conscious effort to not do it. I think I've been doing it for about 15 years though... so it's a hard one to break. I'll get there!
I have this habit of peeling the skin off my foot. Not both feet, just one foot - old righty. I'm not sure why I picked this one, but it's happened. I used to peel until it bled, but that just hurts so now I just get the bits that are hanging off. The heel and all the way up the outside of the foot, almost to the little toe.
Writing this makes it sound bloody gross!
Peeling skin has been a fascination of mine since I was little. Mum used to sit us down of a night time in summer and peel our shoulders after a big sunburn. The way it feels when the skin is coming off - there's a little tickle with a tiny bit of discomfort - it just makes me feel safe and at home.
It's a problem though. I was having some issues with my legs in my old job (trolley pusher, 9 hours of walking each day was exhausting and took it's toll on my body) so was visiting the osteo a fair bit. He was pretty concerned with the state of my foot and seemed reluctant to work on it. Up until that point it had been a secret. No-one knew I did it and it didn't concern anyone.
Once he discovered it though, I began to be self-conscious about it.
I have asked my husband to call me out on it if he sees me picking. I'm making a conscious effort to not do it. I think I've been doing it for about 15 years though... so it's a hard one to break. I'll get there!
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Day 26: If you had a million dollars to spend, how would you spend it?
Back the old days, a million dollars was enough to buy a few houses and go on a big holiday. These days, it's a bit harder! Here's what I would do:
1. Buy a house.
2. Buy another house, smaller and rentable - but not the whole house, I would mortgage half.
3. Go on a holiday.
4. Invest $100k and live off the interest.
5. Breathe deeply, and smile.
1. Buy a house.
2. Buy another house, smaller and rentable - but not the whole house, I would mortgage half.
3. Go on a holiday.
4. Invest $100k and live off the interest.
5. Breathe deeply, and smile.
Day 25: Someone who fascinates you and why
So I know I've been quiet about the happenings in my life lately, but I didn't want to bombard you all with the ups and downs of my job hunting. I am currently working (yay!) in a job that is temporary but could possibly go permanent (double yay!) and there is one girl there who fascinates the absolute bejesus out of me.
When I first got the call to go there, the agency rep was very quick to explain that the office was very clique-y, that I would need a bit of a thick skin to break through the barriers and be respected there (a bit of an 'earn it' culture) so I was wary when I walked in. Then I spotted one of my cali friends and all my worries were over! How hilarious!
Anyway... one of the clique-y girls (who I am totally IN with by the way, because of my connections) is one of those girls that I cannot stand. I would see her out and think... 'what an idiot'. She has fake EVERYTHING. Fake boobs, fake nails, fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake tan, lashings of makeup... she even has fake teeth!
Get to know her though, and she's a little insecure - she talks about how all the fake helps her to put on the persona that she's confident, when in fact she's the total opposite. She's a really smart girl too - something that I would not have considered by looking at her. Every time she speaks I want to listen, just to find out more about how her world works.
It just goes to show - don't judge a book by it's cover!
When I first got the call to go there, the agency rep was very quick to explain that the office was very clique-y, that I would need a bit of a thick skin to break through the barriers and be respected there (a bit of an 'earn it' culture) so I was wary when I walked in. Then I spotted one of my cali friends and all my worries were over! How hilarious!
Anyway... one of the clique-y girls (who I am totally IN with by the way, because of my connections) is one of those girls that I cannot stand. I would see her out and think... 'what an idiot'. She has fake EVERYTHING. Fake boobs, fake nails, fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake tan, lashings of makeup... she even has fake teeth!
Get to know her though, and she's a little insecure - she talks about how all the fake helps her to put on the persona that she's confident, when in fact she's the total opposite. She's a really smart girl too - something that I would not have considered by looking at her. Every time she speaks I want to listen, just to find out more about how her world works.
It just goes to show - don't judge a book by it's cover!
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Day 24: Your favourite movie and what it is about
My favourite movie is 'Life Is Beautiful'.
It's just a gorgeous film - such dark subject matter and yet uplifting all at the same time. A father wanting to make his kid happy, doing anything and everything he can to make a smile - makes my heart sing. Every time I watch it, I cry.
It truly is beautiful and makes me want to look at the world in a positive way.
It's just a gorgeous film - such dark subject matter and yet uplifting all at the same time. A father wanting to make his kid happy, doing anything and everything he can to make a smile - makes my heart sing. Every time I watch it, I cry.
It truly is beautiful and makes me want to look at the world in a positive way.
Day 23: Post 5 pictures of famous people you find attractive
No explanations needed... I love these people for who they are, how they represent themselves, and for their genuineness.
Images from Google
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Day 22: How have you changed the past 2 years?
I've changed a lot in the past 2 years, and at the same time I've hardly changed at all! I'm still fat, and I'm still fighting it. I'm still impulsive and still fighting that. I'm still stubborn. I'm still quick-tempered. BUT I am happier, I'm a little healthier, and I'm more open to other's ideas and other ways of looking at things.
I've always said I don't believe in tarot, in fortune telling. Today, a trusted friend read my cards. She knows a bit about me, a bit about where I'm heading in life, but not much detail. The things she was able to tell me, to feel about what the cards were telling her about me, and just how the cards came out in general.... well that was just effing spooky. I know we can interpret things exactly the way we want to, but the fact that those particular cards came out (and she was shuffling them the whole time we were talking so it wasn't like she was picking the ones she wanted).... I was just shocked.
2 years ago I would have refused to participate when she said 'your turn'. I would have said that it was something I didn't believe in, and that I was glad she did but I just couldn't.
2 years ago I wouldn't have thought about making some cheese sauce to go with my steamed cauliflower for dinner. I would have ordered takeaway because the thought of just cauliflower for dinner would not cross my mind.
2 years ago I thought I couldn't run - and while I'm not fast and I have to stop to walk frequently, I am beginning to think that maybe I'm a runner in the making.
2 years ago I would not have been considering a certain lifestyle change that I am now considering, having not researched it, having not read into it, and having blinkers on about the right way to do things.
2 years ago I would not have left (in fact, I didn't!) a job that was making me miserable. I would not have accepted defeat and walked away with nothing to go to next.
I have changed the past 2 years - my name, my address, my whole life's direction. I'm also on the path to happiness - one that I know will lead to the things that I want, the things that I deserve, and the things that I have worked for. 2 years ago I would have not believed in myself , and now I do.
I've always said I don't believe in tarot, in fortune telling. Today, a trusted friend read my cards. She knows a bit about me, a bit about where I'm heading in life, but not much detail. The things she was able to tell me, to feel about what the cards were telling her about me, and just how the cards came out in general.... well that was just effing spooky. I know we can interpret things exactly the way we want to, but the fact that those particular cards came out (and she was shuffling them the whole time we were talking so it wasn't like she was picking the ones she wanted).... I was just shocked.
2 years ago I would have refused to participate when she said 'your turn'. I would have said that it was something I didn't believe in, and that I was glad she did but I just couldn't.
2 years ago I wouldn't have thought about making some cheese sauce to go with my steamed cauliflower for dinner. I would have ordered takeaway because the thought of just cauliflower for dinner would not cross my mind.
2 years ago I thought I couldn't run - and while I'm not fast and I have to stop to walk frequently, I am beginning to think that maybe I'm a runner in the making.
2 years ago I would not have been considering a certain lifestyle change that I am now considering, having not researched it, having not read into it, and having blinkers on about the right way to do things.
2 years ago I would not have left (in fact, I didn't!) a job that was making me miserable. I would not have accepted defeat and walked away with nothing to go to next.
I have changed the past 2 years - my name, my address, my whole life's direction. I'm also on the path to happiness - one that I know will lead to the things that I want, the things that I deserve, and the things that I have worked for. 2 years ago I would have not believed in myself , and now I do.
Friday, 21 November 2014
Day 21: One of your favourite TV shows
I have a few favourite TV shows that I love to watch, but my guilty pleasure is Family Feud.
It's a classic that's just been bought back to Aussie TV - a staple of my childhood, the source of many an argument and discussion over dinner. The revamp is great - it's exactly the same as the original. Grant Denyer is the host, a classic Aussie bloke with a quick wit. The contestants are nutbags. The questions border on ridiculous.
Youtube clips of the US version bring me to tears with laughter.
It's a classic that's just been bought back to Aussie TV - a staple of my childhood, the source of many an argument and discussion over dinner. The revamp is great - it's exactly the same as the original. Grant Denyer is the host, a classic Aussie bloke with a quick wit. The contestants are nutbags. The questions border on ridiculous.
Youtube clips of the US version bring me to tears with laughter.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Day 20: How important you think education is
At the moment, my opinion of education is extremely jaded. I went to high school and did very well. I went to university and completely bombed. I didn't ever fail any subject, but I did withdraw before I really got into the swing of everything.
Higher education is a bee in my bonnet at the moment. I've been unemployed for the better part of six months, and am disgusted at the number of 'opportunities' that have been suggested to me - mostly places in courses that I don't believe are valuable, that are fully government funded (read: borrow now, pay later) and that have no guarantee of a job at the end, by training organisations and supposed employers.
I believe that for many professions, study is essential. I appreciate that doctors and lawyers and nurses and mechanics and hairdressers need to learn their craft, hone their skills, and perform their daily tasks correctly. There are some professions though, that should value experience over paper-based qualifications. The ability to write an essay, reference materials using the 'Harvard' method, or bludge through a group assignment, has nothing to do with any of the work that I have done over the last 12 years of being employed full time. I've been quite successful and stayed in jobs long term because employers value my work ethic, my nature, and my experience.
Trying to find work is HARD. Pitching yourself with no formal qualification is tough.
Education should not be the main factor, and while it is important in certain situations, I don't place anywhere near as much importance on education as others do. I believe in a well-rounded person - a mixture of education, experience, and ethic.
In a world where 90% of the jobs available in the next 30 years have not even been thought of yet, I wonder if society's view will catch up with my own... or will I just get left behind?
Higher education is a bee in my bonnet at the moment. I've been unemployed for the better part of six months, and am disgusted at the number of 'opportunities' that have been suggested to me - mostly places in courses that I don't believe are valuable, that are fully government funded (read: borrow now, pay later) and that have no guarantee of a job at the end, by training organisations and supposed employers.
I believe that for many professions, study is essential. I appreciate that doctors and lawyers and nurses and mechanics and hairdressers need to learn their craft, hone their skills, and perform their daily tasks correctly. There are some professions though, that should value experience over paper-based qualifications. The ability to write an essay, reference materials using the 'Harvard' method, or bludge through a group assignment, has nothing to do with any of the work that I have done over the last 12 years of being employed full time. I've been quite successful and stayed in jobs long term because employers value my work ethic, my nature, and my experience.
Trying to find work is HARD. Pitching yourself with no formal qualification is tough.
Education should not be the main factor, and while it is important in certain situations, I don't place anywhere near as much importance on education as others do. I believe in a well-rounded person - a mixture of education, experience, and ethic.
In a world where 90% of the jobs available in the next 30 years have not even been thought of yet, I wonder if society's view will catch up with my own... or will I just get left behind?
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Day 19: Your biggest regret in life
I regret nothing. I wish things had happened differently sometimes (like meeting my husband earlier and getting my sh*t together financially sooner than I did), but if things had happened differently, I wouldn't be the person I am, would I?
It's interesting to look back with hindsight and think - yeah, I shouldn't have done that. If I hadn't done that, though, I wouldn't have learned the lesson, and I wouldn't have thought what I think about the thing, and I'd be different.
I kind of like who I am right now. There is a lot going on in my life at this very moment that I am not happy with, but the person I am is not something I would change.
I have no regrets!
It's interesting to look back with hindsight and think - yeah, I shouldn't have done that. If I hadn't done that, though, I wouldn't have learned the lesson, and I wouldn't have thought what I think about the thing, and I'd be different.
I kind of like who I am right now. There is a lot going on in my life at this very moment that I am not happy with, but the person I am is not something I would change.
I have no regrets!
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Day 18: A book you could read over and over again and not get tired of...
Diana Gabaldon. Outlander series. 8 books and counting (just got signed for the next installment!).
I've read the first 7 twice, but so much happens that I had to start again before reading the 8th which was released late last year. I'm not up to it yet! These books are so long, but you don't even notice... I read for about an hour every night before bed, most nights of the week... so they're ridiculous.
I was first introduced to the series by my Gran. She's a big one for reading, and she reads pretty much anything. She gave me the first 3 books after she found out there were more and didn't want to get lost in the rest of the story. Apparently they weren't raunchy enough for her, which is a statement for an 80 plus year old woman who's husband passed away 15 years ago. I find them plenty raunchy.
The series has recently been made into a TV show - but the first season was split into two sections and the second won't be aired for another six months. Boo. I'm refusing to watch it until I can watch the entire season at once, so waiting is in order. While I wait, I'm reading away so that I can get up to the last one that I haven't read. I'm on book 6 (25% according to my Kindle) so should be up to the 8th by Christmas.
I love that it transports me to another point in time. I'm immersed in the world of Outlander, curious as to what will happen next, and astonished at the details. The author really knows what she's doing, and considering she started writing the first one over 20 years ago and is still going..... she's doing something right!
Given the length of the series, and the ease with which it is written, I really do think it's something I'll continue to read for a long time. Reading it this time (pretty sure it's the third time through for me) there is so much that I have forgotten so it's like reading it for the first time. I simply love it!
There are also two spin-offs that I'm yet to get a hold of, so if I ever get sick of this family's story but want to stay in the world of Outlander, I can skip over to those stories. Wowsers...
Get on it...
Diana's Website
I've read the first 7 twice, but so much happens that I had to start again before reading the 8th which was released late last year. I'm not up to it yet! These books are so long, but you don't even notice... I read for about an hour every night before bed, most nights of the week... so they're ridiculous.
I was first introduced to the series by my Gran. She's a big one for reading, and she reads pretty much anything. She gave me the first 3 books after she found out there were more and didn't want to get lost in the rest of the story. Apparently they weren't raunchy enough for her, which is a statement for an 80 plus year old woman who's husband passed away 15 years ago. I find them plenty raunchy.
The series has recently been made into a TV show - but the first season was split into two sections and the second won't be aired for another six months. Boo. I'm refusing to watch it until I can watch the entire season at once, so waiting is in order. While I wait, I'm reading away so that I can get up to the last one that I haven't read. I'm on book 6 (25% according to my Kindle) so should be up to the 8th by Christmas.
I love that it transports me to another point in time. I'm immersed in the world of Outlander, curious as to what will happen next, and astonished at the details. The author really knows what she's doing, and considering she started writing the first one over 20 years ago and is still going..... she's doing something right!
Given the length of the series, and the ease with which it is written, I really do think it's something I'll continue to read for a long time. Reading it this time (pretty sure it's the third time through for me) there is so much that I have forgotten so it's like reading it for the first time. I simply love it!
There are also two spin-offs that I'm yet to get a hold of, so if I ever get sick of this family's story but want to stay in the world of Outlander, I can skip over to those stories. Wowsers...
Get on it...
Diana's Website
Monday, 17 November 2014
Day 17: Your highs and lows of this past year
This past year has been one of the most tumultuous of my life - with massive highs and some pretty low lows. Here they are:
The year started on the biggest high EVER as it was our wedding night! We rang in the new year with friends and family at our wedding reception, followed by a massive honeymoon in Canada and the US.
My first year of teaching calisthenics on my own has been one of mostly highs - I have learned so much about myself, about teaching. The girls I teach are at such an impressionable age - they look up to me and are such sponges, taking in so much that I tell them, and show them... sometimes I really have to check myself and reign myself in!
My husband has shown me absolute unconditional love this year. What a high that is. To know that he loves me as I am, with all my flaws, is astonishing. He's definitely a high!
The bullying and harassment at my former workplace was a definite low. The way I left was also pretty horrible, and left me feeling pretty terrible for quite some time. I put on a brave front, but I'm still feeling the effects in my self-esteem and self perception. Trusting other people is really difficult, as is letting people in past my walls.
The job search is becoming quite a low as well. I'm just so sick of putting myself out there to be knocked down again. Applying for jobs that turn out to be an organisation putting you through training for a 'potential job' that doesn't actually exist is a joke. The government is currently running a scheme where they offer a grant to organisations who are upskilling their employees - and the loopholes around this mean that certain training organisations can offer courses and get the grant, even when there is no job at the end of it. It's bullsh*t. It's also disheartening to attend interviews and be passed over - someone who has no experience, but this bogus qualification is chosen above me (who has extensive experience but no piece of paper).
My struggle with weight loss - both with motivation and in the application, has also been a low this year. I just can't find it within myself to do what I know I have to do. I don't think I really want it - I can't possibly want it if I'm not doing what I should be doing. Urgh. Low.
Enough. Moving on. Looking for more highs!
The year started on the biggest high EVER as it was our wedding night! We rang in the new year with friends and family at our wedding reception, followed by a massive honeymoon in Canada and the US.
My first year of teaching calisthenics on my own has been one of mostly highs - I have learned so much about myself, about teaching. The girls I teach are at such an impressionable age - they look up to me and are such sponges, taking in so much that I tell them, and show them... sometimes I really have to check myself and reign myself in!
My husband has shown me absolute unconditional love this year. What a high that is. To know that he loves me as I am, with all my flaws, is astonishing. He's definitely a high!
The bullying and harassment at my former workplace was a definite low. The way I left was also pretty horrible, and left me feeling pretty terrible for quite some time. I put on a brave front, but I'm still feeling the effects in my self-esteem and self perception. Trusting other people is really difficult, as is letting people in past my walls.
The job search is becoming quite a low as well. I'm just so sick of putting myself out there to be knocked down again. Applying for jobs that turn out to be an organisation putting you through training for a 'potential job' that doesn't actually exist is a joke. The government is currently running a scheme where they offer a grant to organisations who are upskilling their employees - and the loopholes around this mean that certain training organisations can offer courses and get the grant, even when there is no job at the end of it. It's bullsh*t. It's also disheartening to attend interviews and be passed over - someone who has no experience, but this bogus qualification is chosen above me (who has extensive experience but no piece of paper).
My struggle with weight loss - both with motivation and in the application, has also been a low this year. I just can't find it within myself to do what I know I have to do. I don't think I really want it - I can't possibly want it if I'm not doing what I should be doing. Urgh. Low.
Enough. Moving on. Looking for more highs!
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Day 16: Your thoughts on mainstream music
I hate to love it. I love music, and most pop songs I cannot stand when I first hear them, but find myself singing along whenever they're on the radio, and really enjoying.
The music is generally great, it's just the videos that I can't stand. Young kids today are exposed to so much sexualisation, and music is no different. I see it in the girls I teach - they're always wanting to add in moves from their favourite videos. They have no idea what the moves mean, what they're representing, they just see older and cooler people doing them and they want to do it too. It's shocking!
I don't see why sex has to be such a big part of everything - it's great, but it's not the be all and end all of life. It doesn't need to be so 'in your face' all the time. I'd like kids to just be able to be kids, while they're kids. I'm worried for my children, when they arrive, for how quickly society expects them to grow up and be mature. It's scary.
The music is generally great, it's just the videos that I can't stand. Young kids today are exposed to so much sexualisation, and music is no different. I see it in the girls I teach - they're always wanting to add in moves from their favourite videos. They have no idea what the moves mean, what they're representing, they just see older and cooler people doing them and they want to do it too. It's shocking!
I don't see why sex has to be such a big part of everything - it's great, but it's not the be all and end all of life. It doesn't need to be so 'in your face' all the time. I'd like kids to just be able to be kids, while they're kids. I'm worried for my children, when they arrive, for how quickly society expects them to grow up and be mature. It's scary.
Day 15: Write 15 interesting facts about yourself
1. I am too open with my bodily functions - I'm happy to talk about everything that's going on in the form of gas, waste, sweat, or reproduction.
2. I'm very shy with people I don't know, or people that intimidate me.
3. I am deliriously happy when at calisthenics, disgustingly happy when with my husband, but extremely sad most of the other times.
4. I quite enjoy watching children's movies and TV shows. Often a Saturday and Sunday morning will see my husband and I on the couch watching cartoons (our favourites are Ben 10 and Adventure Time)
5. I have food issues. I can't eat fruit - I gag when it goes near my mouth, and touching it is quite gross.
6. I have further food issues. Hot things and cold things shouldn't touch. Chocolate pudding and icecream? No. Seperate plates or bowls please.
7. I really enjoy the feeling of peeling skin off my body. Not in a sick, cannibal kind of way, but if I've been sunburned, the next few days are pretty exciting. When Milky Foot was released, I was in heaven. I need to get that sh*t again.
8. I don't wear makeup on a regular, or even semi-regular basis. I'm lucky to put on mascara twice a week, and I've had the same foundation for OVER 5 years. Not kidding.
9. I love baking, creating, being in the kitchen. Seeing people eat things that I have made, and enjoy them, makes me happy.
10. My husband and I have the great balance of together and apart sorted. We spend enough time apart and doing our own things that when we come together we always have plenty to talk about and appreciate the time we spend together. For some, this wouldn't work, but for us, it's perfect.
11. I really want to lose weight, but I don't think I want it as much as I should.
12. I find it hard to accept help. There's something about being independent and accomplishing things on my own that makes me stubborn and slow to accept help. I could achieve so much more if I did.
13. I'm writing this watching a Disney movie. One about a normal girl who meets a pop-star guy... and I'm really loving it.
14. I want to travel - I want to go EVERYWHERE and do ALL THE THINGS.
15. I love the idea of writing these random 'things about me' posts and then I can never think of anything to put in them.
2. I'm very shy with people I don't know, or people that intimidate me.
3. I am deliriously happy when at calisthenics, disgustingly happy when with my husband, but extremely sad most of the other times.
4. I quite enjoy watching children's movies and TV shows. Often a Saturday and Sunday morning will see my husband and I on the couch watching cartoons (our favourites are Ben 10 and Adventure Time)
5. I have food issues. I can't eat fruit - I gag when it goes near my mouth, and touching it is quite gross.
6. I have further food issues. Hot things and cold things shouldn't touch. Chocolate pudding and icecream? No. Seperate plates or bowls please.
7. I really enjoy the feeling of peeling skin off my body. Not in a sick, cannibal kind of way, but if I've been sunburned, the next few days are pretty exciting. When Milky Foot was released, I was in heaven. I need to get that sh*t again.
8. I don't wear makeup on a regular, or even semi-regular basis. I'm lucky to put on mascara twice a week, and I've had the same foundation for OVER 5 years. Not kidding.
9. I love baking, creating, being in the kitchen. Seeing people eat things that I have made, and enjoy them, makes me happy.
10. My husband and I have the great balance of together and apart sorted. We spend enough time apart and doing our own things that when we come together we always have plenty to talk about and appreciate the time we spend together. For some, this wouldn't work, but for us, it's perfect.
11. I really want to lose weight, but I don't think I want it as much as I should.
12. I find it hard to accept help. There's something about being independent and accomplishing things on my own that makes me stubborn and slow to accept help. I could achieve so much more if I did.
13. I'm writing this watching a Disney movie. One about a normal girl who meets a pop-star guy... and I'm really loving it.
14. I want to travel - I want to go EVERYWHERE and do ALL THE THINGS.
15. I love the idea of writing these random 'things about me' posts and then I can never think of anything to put in them.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Day 14: Your earliest memory
My earliest memory is from when I was about 4 or 5, the first time I tied a shoelace properly.
Mum was in the shower and I was in the loungeroom playing with my shoelace board. We had been reading 'The Shoelace Box' - a Golden Book about a boy who wore big rubber boots to school every day because he didn't know how to tie his laces. I learned to read very early - my older brother was at school and learning to read, so we did it together. Reading was a big part of our childhood and we would go to the library with Dad on a Saturday morning. Golden Books were a massive part of our collection and Mum and I had been reading this particular one for a couple of days. I had mastered most of the words and was getting to the point where I could almost read it on my own.
I had my very own shoelace board (like the lid of the box above, but just a piece of wood instead of a whole box) and had been trying and trying for weeks and weeks to get the bows just right.
One this particular day, Mum was in the shower and I was playing with the board. I did it! I tied the bow perfectly. I untied it and tied it again. I was so excited that I barged into the bathroom and bugged Mum until she got out of the shower and watched me tie the bows.
Super proud of myself, I wore my runners for the next few days and refused to let Mum help me tie them, even though it would take me 20 minutes to get them tied!
Mum was in the shower and I was in the loungeroom playing with my shoelace board. We had been reading 'The Shoelace Box' - a Golden Book about a boy who wore big rubber boots to school every day because he didn't know how to tie his laces. I learned to read very early - my older brother was at school and learning to read, so we did it together. Reading was a big part of our childhood and we would go to the library with Dad on a Saturday morning. Golden Books were a massive part of our collection and Mum and I had been reading this particular one for a couple of days. I had mastered most of the words and was getting to the point where I could almost read it on my own.
I had my very own shoelace board (like the lid of the box above, but just a piece of wood instead of a whole box) and had been trying and trying for weeks and weeks to get the bows just right.
One this particular day, Mum was in the shower and I was playing with the board. I did it! I tied the bow perfectly. I untied it and tied it again. I was so excited that I barged into the bathroom and bugged Mum until she got out of the shower and watched me tie the bows.
Super proud of myself, I wore my runners for the next few days and refused to let Mum help me tie them, even though it would take me 20 minutes to get them tied!
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Day 13: Somewhere you'd like to move or visit
This is a good one!
Somewhere I'd like to move:
The country. I've always thought I might like to live in a small community, with a property big enough to have some animals (pigs, goats, chickens, maybe a cow) a vegie patch, and a lot of room for kids to play, get messy, and generally have a ball. A simple life, nothing fancy. Quite hilarious though, given that I've never gardened and have no idea about animals.
Somewhere I'd like to visit:
Somewhere I'd like to move:
The country. I've always thought I might like to live in a small community, with a property big enough to have some animals (pigs, goats, chickens, maybe a cow) a vegie patch, and a lot of room for kids to play, get messy, and generally have a ball. A simple life, nothing fancy. Quite hilarious though, given that I've never gardened and have no idea about animals.
Somewhere I'd like to visit:
Day 12: Bullet point your day
- Woke up
- Had vegemite on toast
- Watched some TV
- Had more vegemite toast
- Watched more TV (terrible pattern here...)
- Got sorted with makeup and clothes for job interview
- Drove to interview
- Filled in some paperwork
- Listened to people sing Happy Birthday to someone in the office
- Had interview (went well, I think!)
- Drove back home
- Nagged husband about going out and getting supplies for his week off (he's a gamer, new game released tonight, probably won't sleep for 3 days so needs energy drinks, chips, and sugar laden treats)
- Had delicious Taco Stuffed Cheesy Rolls for lunch
- Watched TV while checking Facebook
- Reminded husband about supplies
- Got ready for Calisthenics Presentation Night
- Drove to Mum's to pick up costumes and other stuff for Calisthenics Presentation Night
- Drove to Calisthenics Presentation Night
- Performed at Calisthenics Presentation Night
- Picked up pizza for dinner
- Drove home
- Watched TV while eating pizza
- Drove to old house's shopping centre to pick up game release (gotta love midnight releases, and shops that won't let you transfer a purchase to a closer store so you've gotta travel over an hour to get it...)
- Drove home while trying to keep husband awake by being annoying and singing
- Went to bed
What a day!
- Had vegemite on toast
- Watched some TV
- Had more vegemite toast
- Watched more TV (terrible pattern here...)
- Got sorted with makeup and clothes for job interview
- Drove to interview
- Filled in some paperwork
- Listened to people sing Happy Birthday to someone in the office
- Had interview (went well, I think!)
- Drove back home
- Nagged husband about going out and getting supplies for his week off (he's a gamer, new game released tonight, probably won't sleep for 3 days so needs energy drinks, chips, and sugar laden treats)
- Had delicious Taco Stuffed Cheesy Rolls for lunch
- Watched TV while checking Facebook
- Reminded husband about supplies
- Got ready for Calisthenics Presentation Night
- Drove to Mum's to pick up costumes and other stuff for Calisthenics Presentation Night
- Drove to Calisthenics Presentation Night
- Performed at Calisthenics Presentation Night
- Picked up pizza for dinner
- Drove home
- Watched TV while eating pizza
- Drove to old house's shopping centre to pick up game release (gotta love midnight releases, and shops that won't let you transfer a purchase to a closer store so you've gotta travel over an hour to get it...)
- Drove home while trying to keep husband awake by being annoying and singing
- Went to bed
What a day!
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Day 11: Put your iPod on shuffle and write the first 10 songs that pop up
I'm going to do this one with my iTunes - my iPod is only used for calisthenics and consequently only has kids' music and funky old piano music for exam routines. And a couple of 1D and 5SOS songs for the warming up. Not cool. (okay... a little bit cool... but what respectable young woman is going to admit they like boy bands??)
1. Earth - Imogen Heap - My brother introduced me to her after seeing her live one day. He explained how she makes her music and plays it live, by recording each component seperately and then playing each section over each other. Magic. I've downloaded a few of her albums and they're all amazing. Catchy tunes, fascinating lyrics. Hearing her stuff always reminds me of him - he now lives in Canada and we don't see each other or speak very often so it's nice to have these little reminders!
2. The One I Love - David Gray - I love this man's music. It's easy listening, thought provoking, sensual music. You can have it on in the background and just absorb it, or sit in a quiet room and just listen.
3. Families Cheating at Boardgames - Ben Lee - This guy is quirky, but I love him! There was a time when I knew all the lyrics to all the songs, and I'm sure if I listened to them again it would all come back to me. Listening to Ben Lee reminds me of the times I pretended to go to uni - I was enrolled, but I spent all my time reading novels in the library listening to Ben's music. I'm glad I quit uni when I did because it really was a massive waste of money to go do free things in free places while accruing a massive HECS debt (which I have now paid!)
4. Bond on Bond - Bond - This strings band (I think a couple of violins and a cello?) featured heavily in my calisthenic career from years 10-15 - guaranteed we did at least one song from their collection every year for quite some time. A modern take on classic pieces made it perfect for calisthenics!
5. Wake Me Up Before You Go Go - Party Album - This one was part of the playlist for our recent wedding. Gotta get those classics out for the oldies to boogie to on the d-floor! It was a hit with young and old, if I recall!
6. All In My Head - Missy Higgins - Missy was another one of the artists that I went crazy for and listened to over and over on repeat on the bus, train, and in the library in my 'studying' days. I loved her soulful sound.
7. Santa Fe - Rent Broadway Cast - I do love a musical. This one made me cry - Angel and Collins' story is one of true love, one that I never thought I could have for myself. One that I can't believe I have now! Santa Fe is about doing what you've always loved, no matter how much (or little!) money it will make you. I need to find my 'restaurant in Santa Fe'.
8. Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls - This should be in everyone's collection. Classic 90's girl power! Calisthenics staple, d-floor filler, Saturday morning house cleaning music.... it is appropriate for everything!
9. The Finish Line - Snow Patrol - Grey's Anatomy is a source for real tear-jerking songs and this is no exception. The Snow Patrol album was on repeat in one of my 'depresso' periods where I would sit in my room and cry for the life I wanted but didn't have. I haven't listened to this album in quite some time and I wonder how I would feel about it now that my life is better and my head is in a better space?
10. If Time Is All I Have - James Blunt - Not many people would admit that they have not one, not two, but THREE James Blunt albums in their collection, but I do. I enjoy his whining, and this one was definitely played on repeat while I was playing silly computer games in my early 20s.
Doing this exercise has made me realise that I don't listen to music anywhere near as much as I used to. I'm not sure when this happened, but I think it might have been when I moved out of home and got myself a TV. I used to spend a lot of time in my room, reading, listening to CDs on repeat. I don't really do that much anymore, but I might just start!
1. Earth - Imogen Heap - My brother introduced me to her after seeing her live one day. He explained how she makes her music and plays it live, by recording each component seperately and then playing each section over each other. Magic. I've downloaded a few of her albums and they're all amazing. Catchy tunes, fascinating lyrics. Hearing her stuff always reminds me of him - he now lives in Canada and we don't see each other or speak very often so it's nice to have these little reminders!
2. The One I Love - David Gray - I love this man's music. It's easy listening, thought provoking, sensual music. You can have it on in the background and just absorb it, or sit in a quiet room and just listen.
3. Families Cheating at Boardgames - Ben Lee - This guy is quirky, but I love him! There was a time when I knew all the lyrics to all the songs, and I'm sure if I listened to them again it would all come back to me. Listening to Ben Lee reminds me of the times I pretended to go to uni - I was enrolled, but I spent all my time reading novels in the library listening to Ben's music. I'm glad I quit uni when I did because it really was a massive waste of money to go do free things in free places while accruing a massive HECS debt (which I have now paid!)
4. Bond on Bond - Bond - This strings band (I think a couple of violins and a cello?) featured heavily in my calisthenic career from years 10-15 - guaranteed we did at least one song from their collection every year for quite some time. A modern take on classic pieces made it perfect for calisthenics!
5. Wake Me Up Before You Go Go - Party Album - This one was part of the playlist for our recent wedding. Gotta get those classics out for the oldies to boogie to on the d-floor! It was a hit with young and old, if I recall!
6. All In My Head - Missy Higgins - Missy was another one of the artists that I went crazy for and listened to over and over on repeat on the bus, train, and in the library in my 'studying' days. I loved her soulful sound.
7. Santa Fe - Rent Broadway Cast - I do love a musical. This one made me cry - Angel and Collins' story is one of true love, one that I never thought I could have for myself. One that I can't believe I have now! Santa Fe is about doing what you've always loved, no matter how much (or little!) money it will make you. I need to find my 'restaurant in Santa Fe'.
8. Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls - This should be in everyone's collection. Classic 90's girl power! Calisthenics staple, d-floor filler, Saturday morning house cleaning music.... it is appropriate for everything!
9. The Finish Line - Snow Patrol - Grey's Anatomy is a source for real tear-jerking songs and this is no exception. The Snow Patrol album was on repeat in one of my 'depresso' periods where I would sit in my room and cry for the life I wanted but didn't have. I haven't listened to this album in quite some time and I wonder how I would feel about it now that my life is better and my head is in a better space?
10. If Time Is All I Have - James Blunt - Not many people would admit that they have not one, not two, but THREE James Blunt albums in their collection, but I do. I enjoy his whining, and this one was definitely played on repeat while I was playing silly computer games in my early 20s.
Doing this exercise has made me realise that I don't listen to music anywhere near as much as I used to. I'm not sure when this happened, but I think it might have been when I moved out of home and got myself a TV. I used to spend a lot of time in my room, reading, listening to CDs on repeat. I don't really do that much anymore, but I might just start!
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Day 10: Your guilty pleasure (or pleasures)
Food. Sugar.
Spending a day on the couch with the laptop, a TV series on DVD, a book, some chocolate and a bottle of Coke.
Stationary. Pens, especially.
Laughing, and making others laugh.
Spending a day on the couch with the laptop, a TV series on DVD, a book, some chocolate and a bottle of Coke.
Stationary. Pens, especially.
Laughing, and making others laugh.
Day 9: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
I've always said I don't want a career. When I was growing up, when everyone else was talking about being a doctor or a teacher, I was talking about being a mum.
They say it's the toughest job in the world, but I simply cannot wait for it to be mine.
In reality, this won't happen for a year or so, at least. So for now, I have to make do with getting money for working for other people. I have two interviews this week for positions that I hope can fulfil this need for the next few months until I'm lucky enough to get pregnant...
They say it's the toughest job in the world, but I simply cannot wait for it to be mine.
In reality, this won't happen for a year or so, at least. So for now, I have to make do with getting money for working for other people. I have two interviews this week for positions that I hope can fulfil this need for the next few months until I'm lucky enough to get pregnant...
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Day 8: A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
This morning, after receiving a phone call, I felt quite satisfied.
You see, last night, I hosted a sleepover party with my 7 gorgeous girls that I coach. It was nothing special - we got some pizza, watched some movies, had some giggles, and didn't get anywhere near enough sleep. There was way to much energy to contemplate consuming more sugar, so the slices I had prepared stayed in the fridge.
My husband, who had contemplated finding a hotel room for the evening after realising he would be sharing a house with 7 tweens, decided to stay at home and brave the madness. After everyone had left, he turned to me and said 'Babe... if we have 7 children, we're not gonna last...' The fact that he is even contemplating kids after a good 14 hours solid of listening to inane chatter and squealing is the best sign ever.
Then I got a phone call for a job interview next week. I just need a job, and then everything else can fall into place. I am satisfied with my life - this will just make it so much better!
You see, last night, I hosted a sleepover party with my 7 gorgeous girls that I coach. It was nothing special - we got some pizza, watched some movies, had some giggles, and didn't get anywhere near enough sleep. There was way to much energy to contemplate consuming more sugar, so the slices I had prepared stayed in the fridge.
My husband, who had contemplated finding a hotel room for the evening after realising he would be sharing a house with 7 tweens, decided to stay at home and brave the madness. After everyone had left, he turned to me and said 'Babe... if we have 7 children, we're not gonna last...' The fact that he is even contemplating kids after a good 14 hours solid of listening to inane chatter and squealing is the best sign ever.
Then I got a phone call for a job interview next week. I just need a job, and then everything else can fall into place. I am satisfied with my life - this will just make it so much better!
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Day 7: Your favourite childhood toys
My childhood was full of fun, laughter, intrigue, mystery, imagination.... but not many toys. We weren't a family full of 'stuff', we were a family full of love (and a Dad who worked bloody hard so that our Mum could stay home and make our childhood magical so money was tight).
I didn't have many toys, if I did, I don't remember them. We didn't get the lastest game console every time it came out, I missed most of the 'trendy toys' that came along each year at school. Did I notice? NO! We had so much fun growing up playing outside, getting as dirty/wet/muddy as possible. We had a pool, and a massive backyard so most of the kids up and down the street spent summer days and long warm nights at our place. We lived next to a National Park so weekends were spent wandering the paths and trying to find the Bunyip.
We had stuff, like Lego and board games for winter. We had bikes and rollerblades (one summer our whole street made up a roller hockey team and we did training and everything... hilarious!) and a trampoline and the pool.
I suppose what I'm saying is I don't remember the toys. I remember the fun I had with my brothers and the other kids in the street and from school. I remember staying up all night playing Monopoly against my Dad (and that one time when I beat him!), having Upside Down day with Mum (the day where you have a Roast for breakfast and Eggs and Bacon for Dinner), and coming inside when the street lights came on.
I had the best childhood. I don't remember the toys though...
I didn't have many toys, if I did, I don't remember them. We didn't get the lastest game console every time it came out, I missed most of the 'trendy toys' that came along each year at school. Did I notice? NO! We had so much fun growing up playing outside, getting as dirty/wet/muddy as possible. We had a pool, and a massive backyard so most of the kids up and down the street spent summer days and long warm nights at our place. We lived next to a National Park so weekends were spent wandering the paths and trying to find the Bunyip.
We had stuff, like Lego and board games for winter. We had bikes and rollerblades (one summer our whole street made up a roller hockey team and we did training and everything... hilarious!) and a trampoline and the pool.
I suppose what I'm saying is I don't remember the toys. I remember the fun I had with my brothers and the other kids in the street and from school. I remember staying up all night playing Monopoly against my Dad (and that one time when I beat him!), having Upside Down day with Mum (the day where you have a Roast for breakfast and Eggs and Bacon for Dinner), and coming inside when the street lights came on.
I had the best childhood. I don't remember the toys though...
Day 6: Your zodiac sign and if it fits your personality
According to this website, I am:
Taurus - The Bull
April 20 - May 20
Taurus zodiac signs and meanings, like the animal that represents them, is all about strength, stamina and will. Stubborn by nature, the Taurus will stand his/her ground to the bitter end (sometimes even irrationally so). But that's okay because the Taurus is also a loving, sympathetic and appreciative sign. The Taurus is very understanding and when we need someone to unburden ourselves to, we often share our deepest fears with the Taurians of the zodiac. Taurians are very patient, practical and efficient, they are excellent in matters of business and are also wonderful instructors/teachers. Although initially they may have their own best interest at heart, they are ultimately & endlessly generous with their time, possessions and love.
This describes me quite nicely! I'm super stubborn, patient, efficient, practical.... all of them. There's nothing in this that I don't agree is me.
Now the sceptic in me thinks that I could pick any zodiac description and make it work. I don't read my horoscope daily, nor take any notice of my 'perfect match' or lucky numbers. I believe in creating my own destiny, not doing what someone else has told me I should and reading into situations because of something I read should be happening.
Do you believe?
*I had this all ready to go last night and went to bed before I finished.... stay tuned later today for Day 7!
April 20 - May 20
Taurus zodiac signs and meanings, like the animal that represents them, is all about strength, stamina and will. Stubborn by nature, the Taurus will stand his/her ground to the bitter end (sometimes even irrationally so). But that's okay because the Taurus is also a loving, sympathetic and appreciative sign. The Taurus is very understanding and when we need someone to unburden ourselves to, we often share our deepest fears with the Taurians of the zodiac. Taurians are very patient, practical and efficient, they are excellent in matters of business and are also wonderful instructors/teachers. Although initially they may have their own best interest at heart, they are ultimately & endlessly generous with their time, possessions and love.
This describes me quite nicely! I'm super stubborn, patient, efficient, practical.... all of them. There's nothing in this that I don't agree is me.
Now the sceptic in me thinks that I could pick any zodiac description and make it work. I don't read my horoscope daily, nor take any notice of my 'perfect match' or lucky numbers. I believe in creating my own destiny, not doing what someone else has told me I should and reading into situations because of something I read should be happening.
Do you believe?
*I had this all ready to go last night and went to bed before I finished.... stay tuned later today for Day 7!
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Day 5: Your favourite comfort foods and why
Carbs. In all forms. Because carbs.
Sugar is my comfort - be it in icecream, chocolate, cake, biscuit or any other form. I just love it.
As I've stated previously, I need to learn to stop loving it. I need to learn to stop using it as a comfort and relying on it for energy boosts throughout the day.
When I was growing up, we had veg in a vegie crisper (Tupperware) which left the veg drawers empty for chocolate. We called it 'the chocolate drawer'. Some of Mum's friends worked at the Cadbury factory and we got loads of freddo frogs, mishapen crunchies, and all sorts of other goodies. After dinner and most afternoons we would go into the chocolate drawer for a treat.
I don't blame my parents for my weight, but the habits that formed in early life are hard to break.
And then there's bread and pasta. Another great love of mine that needs to be drastically reduced. A big warm bowl of creamy pasta (or bolognaise, I'm not fussy!) or some delicious soft bread to accompany a meal... oh I'm in heaven.
That's enough. I can't talk about this any more. Can't wait to get a job and get onto this program that I'm looking into and change my mindset about food from being a comfort to being a fuel. It's a pity about money...
Sugar is my comfort - be it in icecream, chocolate, cake, biscuit or any other form. I just love it.
As I've stated previously, I need to learn to stop loving it. I need to learn to stop using it as a comfort and relying on it for energy boosts throughout the day.
When I was growing up, we had veg in a vegie crisper (Tupperware) which left the veg drawers empty for chocolate. We called it 'the chocolate drawer'. Some of Mum's friends worked at the Cadbury factory and we got loads of freddo frogs, mishapen crunchies, and all sorts of other goodies. After dinner and most afternoons we would go into the chocolate drawer for a treat.
I don't blame my parents for my weight, but the habits that formed in early life are hard to break.
And then there's bread and pasta. Another great love of mine that needs to be drastically reduced. A big warm bowl of creamy pasta (or bolognaise, I'm not fussy!) or some delicious soft bread to accompany a meal... oh I'm in heaven.
That's enough. I can't talk about this any more. Can't wait to get a job and get onto this program that I'm looking into and change my mindset about food from being a comfort to being a fuel. It's a pity about money...
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Day 4: Your views on religion
Here's my view on religion...
Yes, I have a view on religion. I have religious affiliations, beliefs and values. But they are mine, and I'll never try to push them on anyone. My husband and I have discussed how we might broach the subject when raising our children (we are from different religious backgrounds, although branches of the same core belief) and have decided we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
So for now, religion is a part of my private life.
NOvember update:
1. I haven't weighed since my initial weigh in. Tick
2. No fast food in Drive-Thru form, minimal fast food in other forms, Tick (none at all! so stoked!)
3. 30 minutes of purposeful movement each day. Fail once. Tick twice.
4. Drink 2 litres of water. Tick. Minimal soft drink. Tick (ish). I'm addicted. I'm working on it. 2 cans a day is minimal, right?
Yes, I have a view on religion. I have religious affiliations, beliefs and values. But they are mine, and I'll never try to push them on anyone. My husband and I have discussed how we might broach the subject when raising our children (we are from different religious backgrounds, although branches of the same core belief) and have decided we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
So for now, religion is a part of my private life.
NOvember update:
1. I haven't weighed since my initial weigh in. Tick
2. No fast food in Drive-Thru form, minimal fast food in other forms, Tick (none at all! so stoked!)
3. 30 minutes of purposeful movement each day. Fail once. Tick twice.
4. Drink 2 litres of water. Tick. Minimal soft drink. Tick (ish). I'm addicted. I'm working on it. 2 cans a day is minimal, right?
Monday, 3 November 2014
Day 3: Your top 5 pet peeves.
Oh I have a lot of pet peeves. Too many to mention! So I'll get a top 5 for you...
1. Spitters. People who spit are gross. Swallow it, find a napkin, or wait until you're in private. Not out on the footy field or in the street - these are not acceptable spit locations.
2. Impolite people. Saying please and thank you will get you a lot in this world, and it doesn't take much to do it.
3. Upside down toilet rolls. The paper is designed to come over the front of the roll - all of the pictures printed on the roll only make sense this way.
4. Hot foods and cold foods together. Cold foods should be cold, and hot foods should be hot. When you put them together (like warm cake and icecream), it's just wrong. Hot foods and cold foods (warm chicken and salad) can be on the same plate, but should not intermingle and be eaten together. Yes, this is a big deal.
5. People who say 'ongyun'. It's onion. There's no g. I will snigger and smirk when you say it. I may even chortle.
So there are some things. What are your pet peeves?
1. Spitters. People who spit are gross. Swallow it, find a napkin, or wait until you're in private. Not out on the footy field or in the street - these are not acceptable spit locations.
2. Impolite people. Saying please and thank you will get you a lot in this world, and it doesn't take much to do it.
3. Upside down toilet rolls. The paper is designed to come over the front of the roll - all of the pictures printed on the roll only make sense this way.
4. Hot foods and cold foods together. Cold foods should be cold, and hot foods should be hot. When you put them together (like warm cake and icecream), it's just wrong. Hot foods and cold foods (warm chicken and salad) can be on the same plate, but should not intermingle and be eaten together. Yes, this is a big deal.
5. People who say 'ongyun'. It's onion. There's no g. I will snigger and smirk when you say it. I may even chortle.
So there are some things. What are your pet peeves?
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Day 2: Where would you like to be in 10 years?
In 10 years, I'd like to be right here, sitting on the couch, writing in my journal. The only difference is that we'll be in our own home, the kids (2 or 3 of them) will be in bed, tucked up for the night ready for school in the morning.
It's a simple wish.
It's a simple wish.
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