Monday, 17 November 2014

Day 17: Your highs and lows of this past year

This past year has been one of the most tumultuous of my life - with massive highs and some pretty low lows. Here they are:


The year started on the biggest high EVER as it was our wedding night! We rang in the new year with friends and family at our wedding reception, followed by a massive honeymoon in Canada and the US.

My first year of teaching calisthenics on my own has been one of mostly highs - I have learned so much about myself, about teaching. The girls I teach are at such an impressionable age - they look up to me and are such sponges, taking in so much that I tell them, and show them... sometimes I really have to check myself and reign myself in!

My husband has shown me absolute unconditional love this year. What a high that is. To know that he loves me as I am, with all my flaws, is astonishing. He's definitely a high!


The bullying and harassment at my former workplace was a definite low. The way I left was also pretty horrible, and left me feeling pretty terrible for quite some time. I put on a brave front, but I'm still feeling the effects in my self-esteem and self perception. Trusting other people is really difficult, as is letting people in past my walls.

The job search is becoming quite a low as well. I'm just so sick of putting myself out there to be knocked down again. Applying for jobs that turn out to be an organisation putting you through training for a 'potential job' that doesn't actually exist is a joke. The government is currently running a scheme where they offer a grant to organisations who are upskilling their employees - and the loopholes around this mean that certain training organisations can offer courses and get the grant, even when there is no job at the end of it. It's bullsh*t. It's also disheartening to attend interviews and be passed over - someone who has no experience, but this bogus qualification is chosen above me (who has extensive experience but no piece of paper).

My struggle with weight loss - both with motivation and in the application, has also been a low this year. I just can't find it within myself to do what I know I have to do. I don't think I really want it - I can't possibly want it if I'm not doing what I should be doing. Urgh. Low.

Enough. Moving on. Looking for more highs!

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