Saturday, 15 November 2014

Day 15: Write 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. I am too open with my bodily functions - I'm happy to talk about everything that's going on in the form of gas, waste, sweat, or reproduction.
2. I'm very shy with people I don't know, or people that intimidate me.
3. I am deliriously happy when at calisthenics, disgustingly happy when with my husband, but extremely sad most of the other times.
4. I quite enjoy watching children's movies and TV shows. Often a Saturday and Sunday morning will see my husband and I on the couch watching cartoons (our favourites are Ben 10 and Adventure Time)
5. I have food issues. I can't eat fruit - I gag when it goes near my mouth, and touching it is quite gross.
6. I have further food issues. Hot things and cold things shouldn't touch. Chocolate pudding and icecream? No. Seperate plates or bowls please.
7. I really enjoy the feeling of peeling skin off my body. Not in a sick, cannibal kind of way, but if I've been sunburned, the next few days are pretty exciting. When Milky Foot was released, I was in heaven. I need to get that sh*t again.
8. I don't wear makeup on a regular, or even semi-regular basis. I'm lucky to put on mascara twice a week, and I've had the same foundation for OVER 5 years. Not kidding.
9. I love baking, creating, being in the kitchen. Seeing people eat things that I have made, and enjoy them, makes me happy.
10. My husband and I have the great balance of together and apart sorted. We spend enough time apart and doing our own things that when we come together we always have plenty to talk about and appreciate the time we spend together. For some, this wouldn't work, but for us, it's perfect.
11. I really want to lose weight, but I don't think I want it as much as I should.
12. I find it hard to accept help. There's something about being independent and accomplishing things on my own that makes me stubborn and slow to accept help. I could achieve so much more if I did.
13. I'm writing this watching a Disney movie. One about a normal girl who meets a pop-star guy... and I'm really loving it.
14. I want to travel - I want to go EVERYWHERE and do ALL THE THINGS.
15. I love the idea of writing these random 'things about me' posts and then I can never think of anything to put in them.

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