Monday, 3 November 2014

Day 3: Your top 5 pet peeves.

Oh I have a lot of pet peeves. Too many to mention! So I'll get a top 5 for you...

1. Spitters. People who spit are gross. Swallow it, find a napkin, or wait until you're in private. Not out on the footy field or in the street - these are not acceptable spit locations.

2. Impolite people. Saying please and thank you will get you a lot in this world, and it doesn't take much to do it.

3. Upside down toilet rolls. The paper is designed to come over the front of the roll - all of the pictures printed on the roll only make sense this way.

4. Hot foods and cold foods together. Cold foods should be cold, and hot foods should be hot. When you put them together (like warm cake and icecream), it's just wrong. Hot foods and cold foods (warm chicken and salad) can be on the same plate, but should not intermingle and be eaten together. Yes, this is a big deal.

5. People who say 'ongyun'. It's onion. There's no g. I will snigger and smirk when you say it. I may even chortle.

So there are some things. What are your pet peeves?

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