Saturday, 22 November 2014

Day 22: How have you changed the past 2 years?

I've changed a lot in the past 2 years, and at the same time I've hardly changed at all! I'm still fat, and I'm still fighting it. I'm still impulsive and still fighting that. I'm still stubborn. I'm still quick-tempered. BUT I am happier, I'm a little healthier, and I'm more open to other's ideas and other ways of looking at things.

I've always said I don't believe in tarot, in fortune telling. Today, a trusted friend read my cards. She knows a bit about me, a bit about where I'm heading in life, but not much detail. The things she was able to tell me, to feel about what the cards were telling her about me, and just how the cards came out in general.... well that was just effing spooky. I know we can interpret things exactly the way we want to, but the fact that those particular cards came out (and she was shuffling them the whole time we were talking so it wasn't like she was picking the ones she wanted).... I was just shocked.

2 years ago I would have refused to participate when she said 'your turn'. I would have said that it was something I didn't believe in, and that I was glad she did but I just couldn't.

2 years ago I wouldn't have thought about making some cheese sauce to go with my steamed cauliflower for dinner. I would have ordered takeaway because the thought of just cauliflower for dinner would not cross my mind.

2 years ago I thought I couldn't run - and while I'm not fast and I have to stop to walk frequently, I am beginning to think that maybe I'm a runner in the making.

2 years ago I would not have been considering a certain lifestyle change that I am now considering, having not researched it, having not read into it, and having blinkers on about the right way to do things.

2 years ago I would not have left (in fact, I didn't!) a job that was making me miserable. I would not have accepted defeat and walked away with nothing to go to next.

I have changed the past 2 years - my name, my address, my whole life's direction. I'm also on the path to happiness - one that I know will lead to the things that I want, the things that I deserve, and the things that I have worked for. 2 years ago I would have not believed in myself , and now I do.

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